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Five hundred five days ago, if I am not mistaking ,on August 27,2009,the security forces arrested my Father, Hossein Shahriari at home, while he ought to report to Rajaiee Shahr prison on August 28. He would not have taken any other measure,because there was no other means.
Hossein Shahriari, a 75 year old political activist, was detained and spent over 18 hours in the security forces station, in the worst conditions. In a rancid room!!A seven square meter room!!Together with several drug dealers.
The next day, after many hours of the administrative process, around six PM, he was admitted to Rajaiee Shahr prison to complete the 18 months sentence for the charges of:Propaganda against sacred Islamic Republic, Acting against National Security,Interview with foreign media and membership in the Pan Iranist Party!!?
Now, After five hundred and five days, father is granted Prison Leave to the end of the sentence. This means under the regulations under section 219 of the prisons, any prisoner who only has one tenth of the sentence left, can file a petition for Prison Leave. The end of the sentence for Hossein Shahriari is on March 5,2011,and according to thew above statement, he is free now.
But during these five hundred and five days, many friends (in various forms) has accompanied my family and I. I owe every single one of them. I do not mention them because I am afraid that not only I miss a few but there is no advantage in doing that. Undoubtedly I will thank them in private. But I will mention one person. A very dear friend that I do not know in person. The one that I lived with his posters for five hundred and five days. Hossein Mahoutiha . The one that with out any claim carries an enormous load. Thank you dear Hossein.
Nevertheless my father is released for now, but many others are still confined to prisons.
With the hope for the freedom of all political prisoners.
Long Live Iran
Kaveh Shahriari
January 29,2011

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